Overcast Industry Insights: The Evolution of Media Creation

Ever-increasing demand for content. Ineffective legacy technology. Remote
collaboration challenges. Difficulty scaling up. These are just some of the
big issues facing the media industry today.

— a technology joint venture of the major Hollywood studios, including
Walt Disney Studios,
Universal Pictures,
Warner Bros,
Paramount Pictures
Sony Pictures
— says that our industry is at a crossroads. There is a time-critical need
for executives to become more aware of supporting the future of media
creation and to invest in it. So, they have written an
Urgent Memo to the C-Suite: Investing In Production Technology and
Cloud Centricity Is No Longer An Option — It is Table Stakes

MovieLabs has already developed a roadmap to creating the next-generation
ecosystem for media creation. Its 2030 Vision describes technological
advances that will enable seismic changes in media workflows and proposes
ten foundational principles as keys to that future. MovieLabs published case
studies of technology solutions that fulfil one or more of those principles
Skywalker Sound, Walt Disney Studios, Sony, PFT, Overcast and
ProductionPro. Overcast provides Full Stack Video Management that radically improves
cloud production and post-production workflows through automation and

This article delves into the trends and strategic imperatives outlined in
MovieLabs’ Urgent Memo to the C Suite and reveals how the Cloud MAM
solution that Overcast designed for Britain’s
Royal Opera House
fulfills those strategic imperatives.

Firstly, let’s take a look at the five key trends that MovieLabs identifies
as having a significant impact on media creation and that underpin the need
for commitment, support and investment in cloud-centric production
technologies and secure, interoperable workflows.

Trend 1: There is a growing urgency for scaled high-quality global
content production

Traditionally, Hollywood content was distributed in overseas territories.
However, streamers have tapped into a growing appetite amongst viewers for
local language and local cultural content. Such content is created by local
production companies, but the streamers’ workflows and quality requirements
are foreign to many of these companies, which creates problems.

Trend 2: As release windows are evolving, distribution models are no
longer one size fits all.

The success of a movie used to hinge on its opening weekend box office.
However, the pandemic ushered in a new era of hybrid release strategies,
such as ‘day-and-date’ (where a film is simultaneously released in cinemas
and on streaming platforms), shorter exclusive theatrical runs, and
direct-to-consumer distribution. These have a major impact on production,
post production and delivery supply chains.

Trend 3: Productions are becoming more complex — what we did in the past
won’t work in the future.

With a wealth of cameras, creative tools and new production processes (such
as virtual production), film/TV/video production is becoming more complex.
We’re in a new era of “snowflake workflows”, whereby technological and
creative innovations make each workflow unique…like the individual shape of
a snowflake. While this is fantastic for content creators, the increasing
complexity of workflows coupled with the challenges of global distribution
and teams working remotely means that current practices just won’t and can’t

Trend 4: Connected, creative remote collaboration has become the new normal,
and it’s here to stay.

The pandemic was a baptism of fire for film, TV and video teams who were
accustomed to collaborating in purpose-built spaces but were suddenly thrust
into a situation where they had to work from home and collaborate virtually.
But, despite the initial shockwaves, it has turned out to be a positive
change. Creatives have more flexibility in where to work and this production
style will drive efficiency. Cloud-enabled collaboration tools will be the
key to scaling global productions.

Trend 5: Technology is evolving extremely fast, and the vendor landscape is
being disrupted.

An increasingly-connected production ecosystem is migrating to the cloud
while traditional methods of post production are consolidating and
contracting. Virtual production technologies and the democratization of
tools have created new “pop up” services, thus disrupting the vendor
landscape. Cheaper cloud-based business models are enabling new start ups to
avoid the enormous capital expenditure required in years gone by and
facilitates the ‘rental’ of tools, tech and talent as needed.

How is media creation evolving?

How is media creation evolving?

The future of content creation is full of exciting opportunities! But,
according to MovieLabs’ Urgent Memo to the C-Suite:

“We must design, create and implement a future-facing technical
pipeline to address the real challenges and opportunities to produce
content at quality, scale and across production locations and global

So, back to the MovieLabs 2030 Vision. As we move towards realizing it,
there are three strategic imperatives that underpin the operational,
financial and strategic planning at all media organizations. Let’s unpack
them and examine how Overcast’s Cloud MAM solution for the Royal Opera House
(ROH) fulfill those imperatives.

1. Planning a multi-cloud strategy

Moving to the cloud is the foundation of achieving media creation at scale.
Benefits include almost unlimited storage and computer resources, a
pay-as-you-go business model, and a creative collaboration environment that
eliminates the unnecessary duplication of media assets. This “single source
of truth” principle is central to Overcast’s media management platform.

But MovieLabs deems that cloud is not enough anymore. It’s time to move to
‘multi-cloud’ (multiple vendors and a vast number of interconnected tools
and workflows). This is essential to complex content creation at scale and
the ability to pivot creative and distribution strategies and choices.

One of the foundational principles of MovieLabs’ 2030 Vision states that
assets go to the cloud and stay there, with applications coming to the
media. Today’s workflows span multiple facilities and move assets between
organizations and public/private clouds. To benefit from scalability, speed
and flexibility in a multi-cloud world, studios must collaborate with
industry stakeholders — including cloud providers — to create open
interfaces that connect silos.

Overcast enabled ROH to adopt a cloud-first strategy, which has delivered
more efficient ways of working: reviewing live rehearsals in real-time
remotely; automatically time-coding editorial reviews and approvals for ease
of decision-making; providing secure role-based permissions for freelancers
and ad-hoc users; and the integration or phased shuttering of legacy
on-premise technology solutions.

Through Overcast’s Cloud MAM solution, ROH created a single repository for
video content across all of its constituencies (the Royal Opera House, The
Royal Ballet and the ROH Orchestra). All of the ROH editors and producers
work from that single repository and can stream content to both internal and
external audiences by publishing links to it. A major advantage is that the
system is easy to use for non-technical collaborators (dancers, singers,
clients, sponsors).

2. Adopting a new approach to security

Erecting a fence and installing CCTV at your premises is a logical approach
to security…except if all of your content is hosted in the cloud by third
parties. So, how do we protect cloud-native workflows? We need a new
security mindset.

Overcast’s Cloud MAM enables ROH to give authorized users searchable access
to their library of assets and the ability to share retrieved content by
emailing links to other authorized users, such as dance notation experts who
work all over the world. The ability to share assets securely has enabled
new remote workflows that save on in-person or travel costs.

3. Enabling flexible workflows with increased automation and

Time is of the essence when turning around creative projects. But precious
time can be wasted if your teams’ remote collaboration isn’t optimal.
Production workflows must become more flexible, extensible and easier to

Automating simple tasks saves production oodles of time. Overcast has
integrated AWS AI tools such as Transcribe, Translate, and Recognition for
metadata tagging and subsequent search and retrieval. In its Cloud MAM for
ROH, these tools automate metadata tagging for bulk ingest, including
tagging of musical scores, leading players, and video attributes, freeing up
editors from these mundane tasks and allowing them instead to weave their
creative magic into the edit.

Future-proofing media management

Overcast believes that managing video files should be as easy as managing a
Word document. Its cloud native Full Stack Video Management is simple to
use, secure, and empowers teams to make, share and publish more content,
faster. Overcast echoes MovieLab’s call for commitment, support and
investment by C-Suite executives and also its vision of a studio and
industry ecosystem that will more readily enable future content forms and
business opportunities.

Get a free demo

Whatever challenges you are having with managing your media projects,
especially video, Overcast can improve your workflow and save you time and
money. We would be delighted to give you a free demo of our platform.
Click here to request a demo.

Media Industry Predictions 2023

The media industry, like many other sectors, is constantly changing, and changing fast!

So, the DPP has published media industry predictions 2023. This is the seventh year it has done so.

The predictions are business focused and they explore the themes that are expected to dominate the boardroom agenda this year.

“This will be the year to control what can be controlled, and make yesterday’s spend the basis for today’s income.”

The report’s predictions emanate from the five key topics outlined below.

AI and Automation 

ChatGPT hit the ground running in November 2022. Within five days, it already had one million users. Generative AI can be applied to computer code, graphics and image generation as well as text. 

Overcast uses AI to transcribe the audio content in a video and to identify people, places, things and events in videos and images.

“People want as many processes automated as possible. And sometimes it requires AI and other pattern recognition to ensure that things are automated successfully — because the number of people who need to touch content and work on it is a huge operational problem.”

While the speed of adoption will be determined by issues such as regulations, privacy and accuracy, the overall prediction is:

Content aggregation and monetisation 

FAST (Free Ad-supported Streaming Television) channels are not new, but were predicted in 2022 to grow in significance. This year, some contributors to the report believe that the traditional linear broadcasters will become more engaged in FAST. One commented, “FAST will grow up.”

“FAST does tick the economics bucket, but it also ticks adaptability: what have I got, what can I reuse? It’s going to be something that the linear broadcasters explore more and more as a way to monetise and to begin their transformation into a future of converged platforms.”

At Overcast, we are big fans of re-purposing content. Our video management platform allows your entire team to effortlessly find, access and edit every video asset for reuse. 

Two predictions came out of this topic:

Organisational transformation 

One of the new themes for this year was transformation — with the focus on the way technological innovations of the last few years are now becoming business as usual. 

“Transformation is continuous. It’s not a thing. It’s the thing that you’re always doing. We’re never going to climb that mountain. You think we’re climbing and we’re going to get to the top. But that’s never going to happen. That mountain will only get longer and further away. That’s just the reality of business today.”

So, the key takeaway is:

Environmental Sustainability 

Sustainability is very important to us here at Overcast. We have removed the need for hardware in the compute and storage elements; therefore, there are no carbon increases due to manufacture, utilities, shipping, air conditioning and physical security.

The DPP report says that there’s been a shift in emphasis around sustainability: it is now regarded as a desirable benefit of reducing costs — not as a strategic imperative that must be delivered even if it adds to cost.

“This is the year where we’re finally going to have an adult conversation about how we deliver environmental sustainability in an economically sustainable way, because to date, we’ve paid lip service to it. We’ve been ticking the box of sustainability. And the only way to move beyond that into actually delivering real change is by focusing on actions that have an economic impact, and the environmental impact will come along with that.”

In other words:

Cloud-enabled consumer engagement 

We’ve been banging the drum about the superiority of cloud-based video systems being easier, faster, cheaper, more efficient and more secure for years…since we launched, in fact — since we provide a cloud-native video management platform.

The contributors to the DPP report discussed how cloud technology is now enabling deeper consumer engagement. 

“Cloud-based video production has completely dropped the barrier for direct to consumer [D2C] and fan engagement. It’s enabling sports teams to go D2C. So D2C has become more accessible with cloud based technology.”

The DPP prediction for 2023 is:

Find out more

There are lots more fascinating insights in this report. You can read the DPP’s media industry predictions 2023 in detail here.

Get a free demo

If you’d like to accelerate your transformation towards more agile video production, collaboration and management, get in touch today for a free demo of our platform.

Serverless Architecture… what’s the point?

What is Serverless Architecture?

Serverless architecture, cloud services, cloud-native, big data, are all
terms that have been thrown around over the last few years. With claims of
faster speeds, better security and overall improvement in your business

In simple terms, we will break down what being “serverless” means to us and,
more importantly, what it means for you when you’re using serverless

Before “serverless”, there was just “server storage”, which meant that
businesses and enterprises kept their files, images, videos, systems on
physical servers. There were sorted in server rooms on-site at the business
premise or in designated buildings near your business locations.

With serverless architecture, your assets are stored in cloud servers
managed and owned by a cloud service provider such as AWS (Amazon Web
Services). This allows you and your team to access your files from anywhere
in the world, quickly and securely.

How does Overcast use Serverless Architecture?

The Overcast platform is built cloud-native and serverless. It consists of a
number of microservices – a major differentiator in the video asset
management market. Overcast is a proud member of the
AWS partner network.
Overcast also deploys a suite of AWS Elemental services,
including MediaConvert, MediaPackage and

We use
AWS services
– Transcode your content into any format you require.

Storing your content with fast upload and download tools.
– Build our
platform to be as

What are the benefits of being Serverless?

Business Benefits

Quick deployment

Doing business in today’s constantly changing environment means that
enterprises need to move fast and be agile to take advantage of
opportunities as they appear. Adopting a serverless architecture streamlines
the setup process and allows you to deploy new projects quickly.

Easy scalability

Serverless platforms enable businesses to quickly scale up services as
demand grows as they are not limited by server capacity. At Overcast, you
can store an unlimited amount of content but only pay for what you’re
currently planning on using. It also means that increasing your capacity by
1TB, 5TB, 100TB is as simple as one request to our technical team!

Better user experience

User experience (UX) greatly benefits from serverless architecture. By the
nature of serverless platforms, there is no distance between the different
“serverless” servers. This reduces the latency between them interacting with
each other. This translates to a much faster and reactive experience for the
final user.

Cost Benefits


It’s also possible to drastically reduce infrastructure and operational
costs because you don’t have to maintain and service physical servers. One
of the key benefits of serverless architecture is that you don’t have to pay
for idle resources, which you would if you owned the servers yourself.

Accurate resourcing

Serverless models like Overcast also allow you to monitor usage in
real-time. This will enable you to tailor your use with your business
requirements. This greater level of transparency will enable you to monitor
your spending and improve the accuracy of budgets and resource allocation.

Environmental Benefits

If you have environmental goals on the cards, you’re in luck! The data
centres are built at scale to be energy efficient to achieve optimal
utilisation and temperature. This leads to fewer carbon emissions than
traditional data centres.

Another drawback to traditional data centres is the constant waste of
resources while the servers are idle. Serverless computing becomes a
solution to this matter by running on-demand.

Bottom Line – how Serverless helps you?

  • Cost savings
  • Increased agility and instant scalability
  • Faster recall of assets
  • More reactive UI for all users


Overcast HQ provides a white-label, fully intuitive User Interface (UI) to
allow operational staff to exploit the power of the solution and the
underlying serverless cloud infrastructure.

We deliver media pipeline management solutions configured
to optimise existing video tech stacks, optimise complex video workflows,
and allow all stakeholders (not just editors and engineers) to manage video

Our platform allows customers to collaborate, search, review & approve,
transcode and therefore spend up to 90% less time managing content. We
are one of the very few solution providers built post-2015 to be able to
take advantage of the latest suite of cloud-native, serverless technologies.

We’d be delighted to talk you through all of this, so please feel free to
reach out to our CEO Philippe Brodeur on info@overcasthq.com or click here to contact us to find out how Video Content-As-A-Service will save you time and
money while increasing revenue opportunities.

Image of cloud based programming to represent the move to Serverless Architecture.
Cloud Infrastructure image to represent Serverless

How to comment and annotate in Overcast

In the below video, Stephen will go through how to comment and annotate in Overcast.

Step by step how to Comment and Annotate: 

  1. To make a comment on or add an annotation to a video or image, click the comments tab on the left.
  2. To add a comment type it into the box and it will appear on the right. You can do the same thing for annotating.
  3. If you add an annotation, it will appear on top of the image or video.
  4. For videos, if you add comments while watching the video, the comments and annotations will be timecoded.
  5. You can also use the “Cycle markers” button to cycle through the comments and annotations on the video
  6. If required, you can also download the comments in many different formats.

Check out our other tutorials below: 

If the above video doesn’t solve your problem, check if there is a solution in our General Tips section.

Or look at our other “Learn Overcast” guides available in the Learn Section.

Overcast Featured in DPP Media Supply Festival 2021

Overcast was featured in the DPP Media Supply Festival Demo Zone over the 7th and 8th of September.
We presented our demo alongside the best media providers from around the world and you can find our Media Pipeline Management demo video below:

Check out our Blog Posts.

Check out our New Updates.

Get in touch with us

If you are looking for a bespoke video workflow solution and want to learn more, please get in touch with Overcast CEO Philippe Brodeur — he’s always happy to talk! You can reach him on info@overcasthq.com or through the contact form on our website.

Zahra – a case study

The following is a brief introduction to our Zahra Case Study which can be viewed in full below.

Zahra is a full-service content agency with owned media in the Food and Parenting verticals. Their mission is to connect brands with audiences through the creation and distribution of purposeful content.

“The review and approval process within Overcast has made it a lot clearer for everyone who is working on the project: clients, videographer, our team. It’s so helpful being able to compare older to newer versions side-by-side using timecodes.” 

 Alan Breslin, Production Coordinator, Zahra Media Group.

The Challenge 

“Content was stored in multiple locations which meant that things were difficult to find. This wasted SO MUCH TIME. It made collaboration (within the team and with clients) difficult because so much time would be spent trying to transfer enormous files. 

— Gina Miltiadou, Managing Director, Zahra Media Group

We needed a space that we could use internally and have versions 1, 2, 3 — and a place for continuing versions to be easily accessed by clients. If we are in a V3 stage and they decide if we want to use something from V1, we need to be able to access it.

— Alan Breslin, Production Coordinator, Zahra Media Group.

The Solution 

Overcast was able to help them with their folder management and metadata taxonomy. Then we trained up the various teams — client services, editorial, etc. — to show them how they too could manage the content in the cloud.

The Result 

After a few weeks of adapting to the new workflows, more people have been able to become part of the video creation supply chain. Editors now get to spend more time working on what they want to work on — great content. 

Perhaps the biggest surprise has been how it has helped client relations and experiences. By getting access to centralised content, an easy-to-use interface, semantic search and a well-defined audit trail, they are also able to engage in a clearer and more productive manner.

You can read the full Zahra case study here.

You can also view our other case studies here

€1.5m Funding for Overcast’s AI Video Platform To Make Videos More Searchable

We’re delighted at the media interest in our recent announcement that, in collaboration with Kinesense, we have been granted 1.5m Funding for Overcast, under the Irish Government’s Disruptive Technology Innovation Fund to develop VISP: Video Intelligent Search Platform. This platform will use artificial intelligence to categorise and understand content for the security and entertainment markets. The three-year collaboration is expected to create 46 jobs.

The following news articles give more details about the new technology and our plans for global expansion:

AI video platform nets €1.5m from Disruptive Technology Innovation Fund — Tech Central

“Overcast CEO Philippe Brodeur said: “The entertainment market is consolidating and there is a massive demand to make it easier to manage video content. As the company that is leading the development of solutions for all video workflows, we are delighted the Irish Government has backed us to develop a global standard for video asset management. The investment will help us to hire new people and move faster into a market under disruption.”

Tech Central

Video tech firm Overcast makes media plans — Irish Examiner

The new Video Intelligent Search Platform (Visp) will, according to Overcast chief executive Philippe Brodeur, be used by his company and Kinesense to target a €50bn global market and generate an estimated €9m of sales by 2024.

Irish Examiner

Different angles: why Overcast and Kinesense are teaming up to revamp video analysis using AI — Fora

“There’s such a volume of content that they need to be able to search it and find what they’re looking for without having to scroll through it all. There just aren’t enough man-years to be able to do that,” Philippe Brodeur, the Overcast chief executive, said.”


Look at our other News reports.

If you’d like further information, please contact Overcast CEO Philippe Brodeur on philippe@overcasthq.com

DAM! Enterprise Video Is So Popular — Part 3

What Do You Need In A DAM?

As the use of video in business continues to increase, enterprises need to have a growth strategy in mind in addition to fulfilling their current needs. So, they need to look for a platform that provides extensive management capabilities to streamline their process, combined with the facility to scale up video production in the future. The Aragon Research Globe for Enterprise Video 2019 identifies the following key capabilities of a DAM as essential:

1. Capture/Recording and Publishing 

  • – Ability to capture, tag, and edit a video recording 
  • – Ability to publish

2. Video Content Management/Portal 

  • – Ability to store video content and display it in different modes for users 
  • – Ability to deliver video content to multiple devices (includes transcoding) 
  • – Ability to provide delivery of video content to global locations (via content delivery network capabilities)
  • – Ability to search for content 
  • – APIs for integration

3. Live Video: Streaming and Integration 

  • – Ability to deliver a live broadcast to a large number of users 
  • – Ability to record the live broadcast for later use 
  • – The ability to connect with existing video conferencing systems for capture or for broadcast federation 

4. Content Analytics 

  • – The ability to analyze what is happening in a video, either live or after the fact 
  • – The ability to recognize people and images in a video or image 
  • – The ability to recognize sentiment of people talking in a video 

Why Use Overcast?

Overcast is specially designed for enterprises. Our streamlined process means that your team will be able to collaborate effortlessly on video. You’ll be amazed at how fast reviews and approvals are, no matter where in the world your team is. AI-powered search enables you to find whatever clips you’re looking for in the cloud-based repository. You’ll save lots of time with speedy file transfer and no-one will be tearing their hair out trying to format videos for various channels: our platform will do that for you at the click of a button. And since it’s encrypted, you can feel secure in the knowledge that your files are protected. So why not contact us today for a free trial to make your life easier and save you time and money?

DAM! Enterprise Video Is So Popular — Part 2

In Part 1 of this blog post series arising from the Aragon Research Globe for Enterprise Video 2019, we explored the critical importance of enterprise video to the digital enterprise but discovered that it’s on a collision course with digital asset management.

Here, in Part 2, we’ll examine the need for streamlined UX and collaboration, along with the huge benefits of AI. 

Get With The Cool Kids

The Netflix generation is consuming media almost incessantly during their leisure time and they expect the same user experience from media delivery at work. The content must be compelling, it must be ‘of the moment’, and it must be effortless to access. So UX is critical. Companies that are publishing content, whether that’s podcasts or videos, need to ensure the platform they choose to deliver it provides a streamlined experience.

Video management is not just about pre-recorded narrative content that’s shot and edited. Live event capture is one of the big trends now, whether it’s a town hall meeting, a university lecture or a corporate event. Advances in capture technology, auto-tagging, and the ability to upload content to a cloud repository can enable quicker access to captured video. And in this age of instant gratification, that speed of access and search is critical.

Global Collaboration

The constantly-expanding functionality of video DAM (digital asset management) platforms facilities geographically-dispersed teams to collaborate on videos. Such platforms also make it easier for the average knowledge worker to edit and publish videos with little or no technical knowledge, thus lowering the barrier to entry to enterprises to leverage video. 

The architecture for enterprise video and DAM is evolving

Storage is a big concern for enterprises in this age of big video, however, a platform that provides a central file repository can facilitate a high-volume production company to meet its ambitions to scale up.

Analytics: The Secret Weapon

We’ve all been there: searching hard drives for a fabulous shot that we remember filming but cannot locate. Enter artificial intelligence. AI enables you to search your video clips for objects, events, settings, colours, words, sounds and facial recognition. Think of the implications for the healthcare, security, and insurance sectors (to name but a few). The transcription of video audio also enables better search. 

Aragon Research forecasts that this means enterprises will be able to predict activities and then react in real-time, whether the situation involves transportation, corporate meetings, university classrooms, or large sporting events — and that this is a space to watch closely. 

In Part 3 of this blog post series, we’ll delve into the essential components of a video DAM platform.

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