YETI Case Study

YETI uses Overcast Max to upgrade international video creation and distribution.

Overcast Industry Insights: The Evolution of Media Creation

MovieLabs says there is a time-critical need for executives to become more aware of supporting the future of media creation and to invest in it.

In this article, we delve into trends and strategic imperatives outlined in MovieLabs’ Urgent Memo to the C-Suite and reveals how the Cloud MAM solution that Overcast designed for Britain’s Royal Opera House fulfills those strategic imperatives.

Overcast Industry Insights: The Evolution of Media Creation Read more

Acceleration of Video Management Technology

Trends in the Acceleration of Video Management Technology

Are digital natives planning to take over the world? You may well think so if you look at the media technology industry, where trends support an increasingly digital-native economy.

The COVID pandemic jump-started an era of mass remote working, which meant that video creators — who rely on collaborative processes — struggled with searching for clips, reviews and approvals, tracking assets, transcoding, etc. This accelerated technological innovation…as tech companies raced to meet the needs of a broad range of video creators and media companies.

Trends in the Acceleration of Video Management Technology Read more

Serverless Architecture… what’s the point?

What is Serverless Architecture?

Serverless architecture, cloud services, cloud-native, big data, are all terms that have been thrown around over the last few years. With claims of faster speeds, better security and overall improvement in your business processes!

In simple terms, we will break down what being “serverless” means to us and, more importantly, what it means for you when you’re using serverless platforms.

Serverless Architecture… what’s the point? Read more

cloud digital asset management

How Much Does Cloud Digital Asset Management Cost?

One of the first things anyone asks when they are moving workflows to the cloud is, “How much is this going to cost me?”

It’s a fair question. And we can all go to the AWS or Azure calculator, plug in 25TBs and understand what it will cost to store that content for a month.

But what about the ingest cost, the egress cost, the transcode cost… and what are all those other parameters that the cloud providers list that can affect the cost?

How Much Does Cloud Digital Asset Management Cost? Read more

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