Overcast to Exhibit at StartUp Grind Global 2020

We’re revved and ready to go! Silicon Valley, here we come! 

StartUp Grind Global 2020

We’re delighted to have been selected from start ups all over the world to exhibit at the StartUp Grind Global Conference 2020. 10,000 people from around the globe are expected to converge on the Fox Theater Redwood City in Silicon Valley on 11th and 12th February for two days of nonstop education, inspiration, and invaluable networking.

Come and meet us!

Overcast CEO Philippe Brodeur and CTO Zsolt Lorincz will be there and would be delighted to show you how easy managing video content can be. We offer Video Content as a Service (VCaaS), which facilitates you to manage video (and other digital content) from a single platform. Our technology doesn’t require technical knowledge to use it and it will easily integrate with your existing technology. We use artificial intelligence to search video clips and our solution eliminates unnecessary duplication. The best part is you’ll get your video content to market faster and you can scale up your video strategy as ambitiously as you like.

Plan ahead

So to find out how we can save you time, money and stress managing video, why not email Philippe to arrange a meeting: philippe@overcasthq.com

Is Your DAM Future-proofed?

DAM for Enterprise

Your business is complicated. It has many different people in many different divisions doing many different things. Unsurprisingly, they all have unique ways of interacting with your products, services, clients, and assets.

A DAM (digital asset management system) provides an effective, streamlined way to manage your digital assets. Many companies begin by using a tool like Dropbox, but then find they need much greater functionality. So they upgrade to a DAM that services the needs of their organisation. 

But is your DAM future-proofed? It goes without saying that it needs to be cloud-based, but are there other elements of your digital asset management system that could be showing signs of needing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?

Here are three of the key considerations when assessing if your DAM will stand the test of time.

1. Growth Strategy

As your company scales up and your content production increases, your assets will also expand in terms of number and complexity. Now is the time to ask yourself, What is our growth strategy and will our DAM go the distance? 

With upscaling comes a vast increase in the size of your team, perhaps globally. So you need your employees in far-flung places to access assets as effortlessly as those in the office next door.

Also, we’re in the age of ‘big video’. Digital files are swelling in size (4K video) and, as if it wasn’t enough of a challenge to store such big files, a DAM must be able to transcode and render them automatically.

Add to this the need for fast file transfers and you’ve got yourself a whole lot of potential headaches if cracks start to show in your DAM.

2. A Seamless Workflow

Nothing sabotages productivity as much as a fractured workflow. Your DAM is your servant in this regard. It can automate laborious processes, thus freeing up your team’s time for more creative tasks.

Slow review and approvals on digital assets is also a common problem for organisations. Consumers’ voracious appetite for content, particularly video, needs to be satisfied but enterprises are struggling to keep up. If team members give feedback on a collaborative video project using time-stamped annotations and approve it through your DAM, this speeds up the time to market considerably.

3. Artificial Intelligence

While your team are busy working smarter, your DAM should be leveraging its smarts too. Through artificial intelligence (AI), a video DAM will enable you to search your video clips for words, objects, colours, sounds, settings, events and facial recognition. Goodbye and good riddance to the bad old days of trawling through hard drives to find that spectacular shot you remember filming but cannot locate.

The Inside Track

Our CEO Philippe Brodeur would be delighted to share his knowledge on future-proofing a video DAM, so please feel free to email him on info@overcasthq.com or tweet him: @philippebrodeur

AWS To Showcase AI and ML With Overcast At IBC 2019

IBC 2019 is only a few weeks away and we are delighted to be attending as part of the Amazon Partner Network. Yes, that’s right, we’ll be on AWS booth 5.C80 from 13–17 September in Amsterdam. Click here to read an AWS blog post about the technological advances in video creation and distribution they will be showcasing.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are changing video workflows. Two of the key innovations that we’ll be highlighting with AWS are: 

  • Searching video clips for objects, colours, settings, events, words, sounds and facial recognition;
  • Automating transcription and translation to generate captions, subtitles, and audio in multiple languages for live and on-demand streams.

Why not find out from our CEO Philippe Brodeur at IBC how to make video collaboration effortless? Click here to schedule a meeting.

Get Your Head Out Of The Cloud And Your Video Files Into It

Size matters. And when it comes to video file sizes — things are just getting bigger.

Over the last decade, we’ve graduated from standard definition to high definition, 2K, 4K and now 8K. Combine that with image enhancement technologies and we are talking about file sizes ballooning. 

The media and entertainment industries are driving the changes, hoping that the better quality will drive more viewership and lead to more revenue. But it’s not just the M&E industries that are chasing higher quality; businesses and brands are jumping on the bandwagon too. So just what are the implications for businesses?

Do video file sizes matter?

Size certainly does matter if you find you don’t have enough storage space for your large video files and it takes absolutely ages to transfer or share it with stakeholders or collaborators. This will slow down your production workflow and delay time to market. A recent Adobe survey revealed it takes brands on average 27 hours to create a single piece of long form content such as video and it takes companies on average 12 days to take a single piece of content to market. We think this is crazy!

How big is Big Video?

So let’s break down the problem: how big is Big Video? 1 hour of 4K (cinema resolution) video shot for a 30-second TV ad is equal to 300GB — that’s larger than the hard drive storage on an average computer! The next step up from that is 8K, which is 16 times bigger than HD (high definition) video. The graphic below by Signiant shows that one hour of 8K RedCode Raw 75 amounts to 7.29 TB (terabytes). That’s 121.5 GB per minute for raw 8K.

It’s not just the resolution either. There are also other factors which drive larger file sizes, in particular, image enhancement technologies such as Wide Colour Gamut (WCG), improved colour depth, and High Dynamic Range (HDR) — which, in simple terms, means the whites are brighter and the blacks are darker.

So what’s the solution?

Even if you’re not working with 4K or 8K files, if you are producing a lot of videos, you will need a workflow that can store your large files and allow your team to collaborate on them efficiently and effectively. The cloud is the obvious frontrunner by a mile. Overcast HQ is a cloud platform built on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using the most advanced technologies for automating video processes and making it possible to send and share large video files quickly. It’s simply changing the way media content is managed. You can request a demo by clicking here.

“Overcast’s Plan To Go Global” — The Irish Times

Chief executive and founder of Overcast Philippe Brodeur with co-founder Zsolt Lorincz: Vodafone Ireland recently commissioned the company to stream VoD content directly to 35,000 household TVs.

Link to the Irish Time Article

The Cloud In The Sky Is The Limit

At NAB 2019 and Avid Connect 2019, we rocked Vegas! Well, maybe not in the traditional sense but we rocked it our way since we’re not as famous as Celine Dion (not yet, anyway).

Avid Connect 2019

We were delighted to launch our partnership with the world’s premier editing software at Avid Connect 2019. Overcast’s Collaboration, Review and Approval application is now directly incorporated into Avid’s Media Central | Cloud UX platform and our presence at Connect 2019 has already led to collaborations with some high profile Hollywood clients. 

Overcast HQ CEO Philippe Brodeur and CTO Zsolt Lorincz at Avid Connect 2019 in Las Vegas
Overcast HQ CEO Philippe Brodeur and CTO Zsolt Lorincz at Avid Connect 2019

NAB 2019

From the Aria Resort we headed for the Las Vegas Convention Center, where we spent the rest of the week at NAB 2019. What a buzz! It was very exciting being on the Amazon Web Services stand, having been selected by AWS from technology companies worldwide as one of its 12 key tech partners for the event. 

Overcast HQ CTO Zsolt Lorincz and CEO Philippe Brodeur at NAB 2019

Global Ambitions

Building technology partnerships with two of the biggest media players in the world is central to Overcast’s global ambition.

After 8 days and more than a hundred client meetings, we left Las Vegas on a high. We can’t wait for next year!

If you can’t wait until then to find out how our video management platform will save you time and money, you can contact our CEO Philippe Brodeur directly on philippe@overcasthq.com. We’d be delighted to give you a demonstration of the Overcast platform.

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