Is Your DAM Future-proofed?

DAM for Enterprise

Your business is complicated. It has many different people in many different divisions doing many different things. Unsurprisingly, they all have unique ways of interacting with your products, services, clients, and assets.

A DAM (digital asset management system) provides an effective, streamlined way to manage your digital assets. Many companies begin by using a tool like Dropbox, but then find they need much greater functionality. So they upgrade to a DAM that services the needs of their organisation. 

But is your DAM future-proofed? It goes without saying that it needs to be cloud-based, but are there other elements of your digital asset management system that could be showing signs of needing mouth-to-mouth resuscitation?

Here are three of the key considerations when assessing if your DAM will stand the test of time.

1. Growth Strategy

As your company scales up and your content production increases, your assets will also expand in terms of number and complexity. Now is the time to ask yourself, What is our growth strategy and will our DAM go the distance? 

With upscaling comes a vast increase in the size of your team, perhaps globally. So you need your employees in far-flung places to access assets as effortlessly as those in the office next door.

Also, we’re in the age of ‘big video’. Digital files are swelling in size (4K video) and, as if it wasn’t enough of a challenge to store such big files, a DAM must be able to transcode and render them automatically.

Add to this the need for fast file transfers and you’ve got yourself a whole lot of potential headaches if cracks start to show in your DAM.

2. A Seamless Workflow

Nothing sabotages productivity as much as a fractured workflow. Your DAM is your servant in this regard. It can automate laborious processes, thus freeing up your team’s time for more creative tasks.

Slow review and approvals on digital assets is also a common problem for organisations. Consumers’ voracious appetite for content, particularly video, needs to be satisfied but enterprises are struggling to keep up. If team members give feedback on a collaborative video project using time-stamped annotations and approve it through your DAM, this speeds up the time to market considerably.

3. Artificial Intelligence

While your team are busy working smarter, your DAM should be leveraging its smarts too. Through artificial intelligence (AI), a video DAM will enable you to search your video clips for words, objects, colours, sounds, settings, events and facial recognition. Goodbye and good riddance to the bad old days of trawling through hard drives to find that spectacular shot you remember filming but cannot locate.

The Inside Track

Our CEO Philippe Brodeur would be delighted to share his knowledge on future-proofing a video DAM, so please feel free to email him on or tweet him: @philippebrodeur

We’ve Gone To The Dark Side

Hurray! We have good news to share! We’ve been nominated for an award for best UX at the UX Awards. But enough of that. What have we got for you? Annotations! That’s what!

2 fab new features designed for you

We want to make content creation easier for you, your clients and your bosses. And by that, we mean that we want you to spend more time being creative and less time fiddling around with technical tasks.  

So, we are delighted to announce two improvements to the Overcast HQ platform.


The ease of collaboration and feedback is one of the top benefits to users of our platform and now we’ve added a major new functionality: Annotations. 

When giving feedback to a colleague or client on a video, you can drop a pin anywhere on the screen (see image below) and type in your comment. For example, you can identify a part of the frame that is underexposed or suggest adding a logo in one corner. We didn’t invent this technology, but we’ve made it really simple to use.

Annotations done properly save you time and ultimately raise the bar on the quality of your videos.

Annotations on the Overcast video management platform

Dark UI

Our other big reveal is a UI makeover. Since edit suites almost always have a dark background, we wanted to give a choice to our users: a black or white UI. We also want to ensure the best experience for users, which can change depending on time of day or working environment. 

Dark text on a light background is more widely used for better readability and focus during the day. However, the more time spent looking at a screen, the more eye strain it can cause, so you now have the option to switch to light text and images on a dark background if you wish. You can also exercise this choice in relation to the darkness of your working environment or whether you are working after sunset.

Overcast’s new sleek dark user interface

If you’d like to stick pins in the old, clunky way of managing video, get in touch for a demo.

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