Remote Work: The Evolution of Enterprise Video

Enterprise video has long been one of the key tools for small to medium-sized companies to fulfil their business objectives. But when the pandemic dispatched us to our homes to work remotely, suddenly it wasn’t so easy to create, collaborate on, and broadcasting video. Work had changed. Leveraging video for business was about to change too.

enterprise video editing — remote work
Video Production Filming with Camera

Video Production (Part 2): Filming Your Enterprise Video

It’s said that video content is made three times: once in the scripting, once in the filming, and once in the editing.

In the first part of this blog post series, we delved into the planning stage of video production: identifying your audience, scripting and shoot prep. 

In this second part of our blog post series on video production, we’ll give you tips and tricks for a successful shoot.

Video Production (Part 2): Filming Your Enterprise Video Read more

enterprise video

DAM! Enterprise Video Is So Popular — Part 1

Enterprise video is proving to be a critical asset to the digital enterprise and is on a collision course with digital asset management — that’s one of the key findings of the Aragon Research Globe for Enterprise Video 2019. 

Video is proving its value to the enterprise in nearly every department and every use case. However, many enterprises are still struggling to make the shift. But with video use continuing to expand and more devices capable of capturing video, there’s an increased demand to manage video.

DAM! Enterprise Video Is So Popular — Part 1 Read more

Why Invest In Corporate Video Technology?

The use of video as a business tool is exploding in popularity, but what’s also constantly expanding is the range of ways in which video can serve a business to foster more engaging communication with workers and share business intelligence with co-workers, customers, partners, prospects, vendors and shareholders. The video revolution is here and the time to invest is now!

Why Invest In Corporate Video Technology? Read more

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