Remote Work: The Evolution of Enterprise Video

Enterprise video has long been one of the key tools for small to medium-sized companies to fulfil their business objectives. But when the pandemic dispatched us to our homes to work remotely, suddenly it wasn’t so easy to create, collaborate on, and broadcasting video. Work had changed. Leveraging video for business was about to change too.

enterprise video editing — remote work
Acceleration of Video Management Technology

Trends in the Acceleration of Video Management Technology

Are digital natives planning to take over the world? You may well think so if you look at the media technology industry, where trends support an increasingly digital-native economy.

The COVID pandemic jump-started an era of mass remote working, which meant that video creators — who rely on collaborative processes — struggled with searching for clips, reviews and approvals, tracking assets, transcoding, etc. This accelerated technological innovation…as tech companies raced to meet the needs of a broad range of video creators and media companies.

Trends in the Acceleration of Video Management Technology Read more

remote working video collaboration

The Secret To Great Remote Working Video Collaboration

Innovation is essential in today’s fast-changing technology-dependent business environment. An ever-increasing number of companies are using video for marketing, sales, internal communications, training, tutorials, and many more business functions.

But video requires collaboration and we’re in an age where remote working is more the norm than the exception. So, how can teams collaborate effortlessly on video if they are in separate locations?

The Secret To Great Remote Working Video Collaboration Read more

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