The Demand for Remote-Enabling Video Technology

Practically everyone owns a smartphone these days; therefore, we all carry a mini computer in our pockets. But, more than that, phones can record video clips and you can edit that footage through apps; so, effectively, we are all walking around with full video production capabilities.

So, armed with this portable video technology, it must be a piece of cake to make professional-looking videos, right?


Netflix streaming video technology Apple TV Disney Hulu Amazon Prime Video
Netflix streaming video technology Apple TV Disney Hulu Amazon Prime Video

The Demand for Remote-Enabling Video Technology

Practically everyone owns a smartphone these days; therefore, we all carry a mini computer in our pockets. But, more than that, phones can record video clips and you can edit that footage through apps; so, effectively, we are all walking around with full video production capabilities.

So, armed with this portable video technology, it must be a piece of cake to make professional-looking videos, right?


The Demand for Remote-Enabling Video Technology Read more

When It Comes To Tech, Overcast’s Review & Approve is rated #1 by Swedish National Broadcaster

Overcast recently went head to head with some of the best tech companies in Europe on a tender for SVT – Sweden’s national broadcaster.

The big news is that Overcast was the only company to score 100% on the technical requirements of the tender, beating Sony,, ioGates, Dalet, Limecraft, Spotterfish, and Klash.

When It Comes To Tech, Overcast’s Review & Approve is rated #1 by Swedish National Broadcaster Read more


Stacking Up On SaaS

The digital age has introduced lots of new lingo: tweep, instagramming, fintech, etc. SaaS is one of the fancy new words, but what does it really mean for you and your business? The acronym SaaS stands for Software as a Service, which means subscribing to a cloud-based solution. It facilitates teams to work and collaborate anywhere in the world where they have an internet connection.

Stacking Up On SaaS Read more

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