Why Overcast?
Make managing video as easy as managing Word™ documents.
Rated 4.6/5

We have a vision for video production and management which we call Full
Video Management. It means being flexible enough to meet your specific
be they simple or complex. Ingest once, store once.
We double down on security and user management. The UI is simple to use
can be customised to become part of your brand.

Ingest and store all your content in the cloud
We ingest digital files, live streams or on demand video straight into
All assets are created or ingested straight into the cloud and do not
to be moved for edit or publishing.
Proxies and metadata is created
for all ingested files.
Thumbnails are created for all files for ease
of use.
Applications come to the media not the other way round
We ensure your content stays at the hub of your operations and is easily
by your teams wherever they are.
For editors we provide an Adobe Plugin, Avid Media Central and Divinci
We support remote working for better collaboration. We support workspace in
the cloud technologies including NICE DCV and Teradici.

Distribute assets without downloading
You no longer need to send files and download. You just give people access.
We embed and link to publish content and only send as a last resort. More
secure – only named recipients get access via email. Saves expense of
downloading from cloud.
“When you get a DAM that’s when you know you need a MAM”
Now since you know the need of MAM, you need Overcast

Archive material is searchable and instantly available
Search is via proxies which we create on ingest of all material.
Always searchable through keyword or AI attribute like logos or faces.
Metadata is fully configurable to meet even the most complex needs. Easy
archive UI to reduce storage costs.
Content is secure and protected
Overcast works with Amazon Web Services and other cloud providers to meet
highest standards in video content security.
All content is encrypted at rest and in transit. Full audit trail of all
activity is provided and filterable for
effective analysis. GDPR

Easy user management
Take control of all your users with granular user access control.
Control access by account and by project. Invite collaborators securely and
easily into your project. Select if users can edit, move, review, or even
delete content.