Video Content-as-a-Service (VCaaS): The Key To Digital Video Transformation

Businesses need to keep changing and innovating in order to be competitive. Such transformation in the digital age involves the integration of digital technologies into all areas of an enterprise, fundamentally changing how that business works.

Video is one such fundamental: it provides many opportunities to improve how you communicate internally with staff and externally with partners and clients. But, even with the democratization of video, it’s still expensive and time-consuming. So how can you future-proof your processes while enabling both speed and scale?

digital transformation
digital transformation

Video Content-as-a-Service (VCaaS): The Key To Digital Video Transformation

Businesses need to keep changing and innovating in order to be competitive. Such transformation in the digital age involves the integration of digital technologies into all areas of an enterprise, fundamentally changing how that business works.

Video is one such fundamental: it provides many opportunities to improve how you communicate internally with staff and externally with partners and clients. But, even with the democratization of video, it’s still expensive and time-consuming. So how can you future-proof your processes while enabling both speed and scale?

Video Content-as-a-Service (VCaaS): The Key To Digital Video Transformation Read more

Video CaaS

Video Content-as-a-Service: Manage Video Content Better

In 2018, the global Enterprise Video market size was US$3.68 billion and it is expected to reach US$10.4 billion by the end of 2025 (MarketWatch). Staggering, eh?

When teams in an organisation produce video content (and it really doesn’t matter how much), they need to be able to easily access it, re-use it, collaborate on it, and share it on various platforms in different formats. But video content is complex so existing content management systems don’t cope with it well and can be very problematic when you want to scale your operations.

Video Content-as-a-Service: Manage Video Content Better Read more

Hollywood Sign, California

Exercising Your Inner Hollywood: How Video Content-as-a-Service Helps Organisations Scale

The explosion in video creation and distribution brings significant challenges in terms of managing it, including storage, collaboration, encoding formats, file size, duplication, distribution, integration and scalability.

The answer to all of the above — and the secret that will save you from major headaches — is VCaaS: Video Content-as-a-Service. In this blog, we look at what VCaaS is and how it can solve your problems.

Exercising Your Inner Hollywood: How Video Content-as-a-Service Helps Organisations Scale Read more

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