Cloud-based CMS: How To Create The Best Tech Stack

What is Orchestration and why do you need a cloud-based CMS (content management system)?

I could throw around terms like “RESTful API” and “transcode queue” and “headless” but I’d run the risk of stumbling into a rabbit hole of terminologies that often mean different things to different people. So, in the spirit of trying to keep things as straightforward as possible — which is one of our guiding principles here at Overcast — let me do my best to explain it in layman’s terms.

Cloud-based CMS Tech Stack
Cloud-based CMS Tech Stack

Cloud-based CMS: How To Create The Best Tech Stack

What is Orchestration and why do you need a cloud-based CMS (content management system)?

I could throw around terms like “RESTful API” and “transcode queue” and “headless” but I’d run the risk of stumbling into a rabbit hole of terminologies that often mean different things to different people. So, in the spirit of trying to keep things as straightforward as possible — which is one of our guiding principles here at Overcast — let me do my best to explain it in layman’s terms.

Cloud-based CMS: How To Create The Best Tech Stack Read more

Max Live Streaming Video

No Limits To Your Live Streaming Ambitions

You don’t need to be in the media and entertainment industries to grow your business through live streaming. It can be used for in-house trainings, public events, town hall meetings, etc. — in fact, anything you can think of. But you need a simple, high quality, secure way to do it: say hello to Max Live Streaming.

If you’ve tried live streaming before, you may have experienced low quality streaming due to limitations in the available bandwidth — it’s a common problem with free services. No such worries with Max Live Streaming!

No Limits To Your Live Streaming Ambitions Read more

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