The Role of Video in Digital Transformation
The role of video in digital transformation
In 2020 workplaces as we knew them experienced massive unexpected disruption.
Enterprises found themselves faced with a need for rapid digital transformation when the pandemic necessitated employees to work remotely. Suddenly, colleagues and managers were not in the same room to share information or collaborate on team projects.
This led to much upheaval among workforces. However, a magic pill to cure those ills was close at hand: video!
Use cases for enterprise video
Video was already on an upward trajectory since its popularity as a social media marketing tool was skyrocketing.
But, with the acceleration of digital transformation, the use cases for enterprise video have expanded to live streaming, vlogging, webinars, video tutorials, product demonstrations, employee training, sales, recruitment, health consultations, and much more.
“Today, more than 60% of enterprises use video for most or all meetings.” — ‘Unified Communications Management and Endpoints: 2021–22’, Metrigy.
Although employees are returning to some workplaces, the use of video is now so ingrained into enterprises’ business processes that it’s here to stay.
How to handle large video files
However, delivering so many business functions through video was not without its challenges.
Video requires a huge amount of storage, with many recordings of live video totalling gigabytes in size. Many companies initially stored these files in the same way that they stored documents and images.
But enterprises quickly discovered that video files are large, unwieldy and expensive to store long term.
Fortunately, we’ve got the solution. Our MAX Storage service is like a BYOB (bring your own bottle) party, except that you bring your own (BYO) storage. Nifty, eh?
This allows you to keep your storage costs down, while our software helps you to manage your content. One option is to manage your workflows in the cloud or, alternatively, you can use a hybrid solution that conforms to your workflows.
“The video streaming market is on track to become a $124.6 billion industry by 2025.” — Grand View Research
This trajectory is not surprising considering that live streaming is proving invaluable for enterprises: product launches, announcements, follower engagement, in-house trainings, live tutorials, public events, town hall meetings, etc. But you need a high quality, simple, secure way to do it!
MAX Live Streaming is cloud-based, adaptive HD streaming, which ensures you won’t “fall off air” like traditional TV broadcasting sometimes does.
It’s a breeze to set up and very easy for non-technically-minded employees to use. The cherry on top is that we’ll provide a network that has enterprise grade security. So, what are you waiting for?
Get a free demo of our video management platform
Storage and streaming are just two of the powerful functions of our platform that make video creation and management easier and more cost effective for you. Click here to request a free demo of our platform to find out how your business can benefit.