Exercising Your Inner Hollywood: How Video Content-as-a-Service Helps Organisations Scale

A challenging remit

Video will account for 82% of Internet traffic by 2022 (Cisco). But such an explosion in video creation and distribution brings significant challenges in terms of managing it. 

Is your video content stored on hard drives? How can teams collaborate on it? How much technical expertise is needed to manage it? How can you find the videos clips you need? Are the files sizes too big to handle? Are you duplicating clips unnecessarily? Can you distribute in lots of different formats? Does your video platform integrate with your other technologies? Is your video strategy scalable?

Solution: Video Content-as-a-Service (VCaaS)

The answer to all of the above — and the secret that will save you from major headaches — is VCaaS. Sounds like it could be a different type of ailment, just as debilitating as a migraine, doesn’t it?! Well, VCaaS stands for Video Content-as-a-Service and it has the Midas touch in terms of managing video.

So let’s look at what VCaaS is and how it can solve your problems.

In simple terms, Overcast — which is a VCaaS provider — facilitates you to manage video (and other digital content) from a single platform and allows you to easily integrate your existing technology.

No more silos

Up until recently, video was siloed in organizations and was managed by engineers and editors. Now, with advances in automation and artificial intelligence services, video can be managed across an organisation by employees with little or no technical knowledge.

The new distribution landscape

There are now so many channels through which video is delivered — broadcast, web, social, apps, affiliate networks, in-store, stadiums. Previously, when organizations introduced new distribution channels, they would also create new content pipelines. But this led to silos and file duplication, which is a costly way of working. Now we can work from a “single source of truth” and manage it with a “single pane of glass.”  

Facing the challenge of scaling up

Nowadays, all businesses are exercising their inner Hollywood — financial institutions, multinationals, publishers, sports organisations and enterprises (to name but a few) are publishing more and more quality video content because consumers demand it. But the challenge is being able to easily access it, re-use it, collaborate on it, share it or sell it on different platforms. Video content is complex so it’s not surprising that existing content management systems struggle with it…and this impedes scalability.

Speed to market

The cloud has revolutionised the way we create, manage and distribute video. But legacy technologies are hampering progress. It can be difficult, expensive and time-consuming to swap out a legacy system. So the good news is that Overcast integrates with your existing partners and platforms, allowing you to get started quickly.  Then, if you’d like to, you can replace those systems naturally over time.

We’d be delighted to show you how Video Content-as-a-Service will save you time, money and headaches, so click here to request a demo.

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