Edelman PR – a case study

The following is a brief introduction to our Edelman PR Case Study which can be viewed in full below.

When you’re relied upon by brands like Ryanair, Visa and Danone, PR firms like Edelman need to be able to deliver first-in-class work on schedule. By making video collaboration and management much easier, Overcast has helped them meet their video challenges.

The Challenge:

From brand building to reputation management, full service PR firms need to have expertise in multiple digital verticals. One of the biggest shifts over the past decade has been the move to social where firms like Edelman work closely with their clients often sharing responsibility for posting. More recently, social has become video which has meant a having to be able to produce, share  and distribute video content as effectively as a broadcaster without either the resources or the expertise.

The Solution:

Overcast’s Video Content-as-a-Service platform provided a video asset management solution that could manage all the content they needed to share on social.  From first version, through approval processes, and ultimately through transcoding and reformatting, content could be shared everywhere including YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, linkedin, and Facebook.

Being able to invite clients in to see the content before it was a final version was critical. The secure sharing links and user management allowed Edelman to create unique profiles for their users.

The Result:

The client experience was the key qualitative improvement. Having a professional platform to share content on helped to keep the organisation on brand.

Empowering the client services team to automate the transcode and distribution of content reduced the reliance on the studio and allowed the teams to create more content faster.

Finally, they were able to keep all the content in a single, searchable repository which made it easier to share knowledge within the firm and among the different teams.

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