Video Now Main Form of Content For Enterprises
“Video is now poised to become the main form of content for enterprises. The huge surge in video
meetings was the first wave in the shift to the visual enterprise. The second wave that is arriving now
and in 2022 is about the need to organise, optimise, and deliver visual content to users.”
— Aragon Research Globe for Enterprise Video, 2022
This demonstrates the need for providers to step forward with innovative technology that enables enterprises to create, manage and distribute video content. The key focus for enterprises is on customer experience and employee engagement.
The benefits to enterprises of using video are extensive. In this blog post, we will look at ways they can jump on the video bandwagon and use it to catapult them to success.
Video Is Key To Digital Transformation
Digital transformation is the integration of digital technologies into all areas of a business, fundamentally changing how that business works. Video is a core element of digital transformation.
When the COVID pandemic confined us to working from home, many of us thought it would be a temporary measure. But technology companies like Overcast rose to the challenge to provide cloud-based services that enabled remote teams to collaborate effortlessly on video projects.
For enterprise videos storage was cheaper, reviews/approvals were quicker, search was easier, distribution on different platforms was a breeze, and non-technical employees could do it all!
Movie directors were able to collaborate with film editors in other countries, saving film productions a lot of money on accommodation and subsistence costs.
Once enterprises realised how easy the process of remote video collaboration is, there was no going back! So, you never need to change out of your pyjamas!
Aragon’s research highlights that new video use cases are emerging for training, sales, customer service, entertainment, and support. Particular areas of growth include customer events and new areas such as telehealth.
TikTok Opportunities for Enterprise
There’s no denying the phenomenal rise of TikTok. It went from a niche platform hosting funny ‘home videos’ to one of the most popular apps in the western world, challenging the status of Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.
This could be due to the easy-to-use video creation tools that gave everyone the chance to become a TikTok star or the vast library of licensed music that freed TikTokkers from worrying about copyright. The billion-dollar advertising campaign across Facebook and Instagram didn’t hurt either!
But the most powerful tool TikTok uses to grab attention and keep people hooked is the celebrated “For You Page” and its algorithm, which becomes almost uncannily good at predicting what TikTok videos will pique your interest (The Guardian).
So, what does this mean for enterprises? Aragon’s take is that this “highly-addictive” delivery mechanism is ideally suited for rich media, such as video how-tos and video roleplays. Demand in areas such as sales or support is expected to rise.
Boost your video production
In our next post, we will look at more ways in which enterprises can use video to grow their business.
In the meantime, if you would like to know more about how to make video creation and distribution easier and more cost effective, contact us to get a free demo of our video management platform.